21-Tage Leberentgiftung und Darmreinigung

100% satisfaction guaranteed!

Do not worry! You are 100% covered by our satisfaction guarantee!

If you don’t see the great benefit of our cure within 14 days, just write to us and we’ll refund you the full amount immediately and without questions!

  • Zero risk with our 14-day money-back guarantee
  • High quality  in both video & content production
  • Bookable at any time  . You determine the start time!
  • We accompany you:  Questions and answers in our own forum !
  • Own support page for technical problems
  • Access to your course at any time – detox with us  as often as you want !
  • Overcome inner resistance  with our help!

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Together we clean the intestines and liver

With this online course we will guide you through a 21-day liver detox and colon cleanse. Our proven concept includes three phases, namely the mild drainage , the effective deacidification and the build-up phase .

Y ou receive high-quality instruction videos , excellently researched specialist information and recipes for every day in our recipe booklet with 93 recipes , which is exclusive to participants .

What can our online program do

do for you for liver detoxification and colon cleansing  ?

intestinal cleansing

Digestive problems can be alleviated or disappear completely. The intestinal flora is regulated, the intestinal mucosa is regenerated and the absorption of vital substances is improved.

liver detox

In this cure, measures are carried out which promote the detoxification of the liver. The liver is our most important detoxification organ and does incredible things. With this cure you promote their regeneration.

Strengthening of the immune system

Your immune system will be strengthened and you will feel powerful and fit again. The metabolism is activated – this leads to better blood and inflammation levels and also promotes fat loss.

New attitude to life

The cure is a powerful impulse to start a healthier lifestyle with improved performance, reduced fatigue, better concentration, more clarity and more energy.


Find out more about Sandra and Matthias Exl…

Mag. Sandra M. Exl is  a certified fasting companion with more than 20 years of fasting experience and a freelance journalist. Your therapeutic fasting specialist portal is one of the largest sites on the subject of detoxification and purification through fasting  in German-speaking countries. You can find her  >> free guide to colon cleansing << here .

Her specialist videos on the topics of health and a healthy lifestyle have already been viewed more than 2,200,000 times. Sandra conducted interviews with personalities such as brain researcher Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther, the physician and researcher Dr. Andreas Michalsen, the bestselling author Dr. Ruediger Dahlke and many more.

Matthias A. Exl, MBA is a published author and writes on health and philosophical topics. For many years he worked successfully abroad in leading positions in international corporations. In the pursuit of values ​​and meaning, he later shifted his activities to the non-profit sector.

Matthias completed numerous training courses as well as further training in the areas of leadership, coaching, moderation, management consulting and holistic lifestyle.

In his center for self-discovery he trained more than 1,000 students. You can find his >> free guide to self-reflection << here .

100% satisfaction guaranteed!

Do not worry! You are 100% covered by our satisfaction guarantee!

If you don’t see the great benefit of our cure within 14 days, just write to us and we’ll refund you the full amount immediately and without questions! 

  • Zero risk with our 14-day money-back guarantee
  • High quality  in both video & content production
  • Bookable at any time  . You determine the start time!
  • We accompany you:  Questions and answers in our own forum ! 
  • Own support page for technical problems
  • Access to your course at any time – detox with us  as often as you want !
  • Overcome inner resistance  with our help!


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