Webinare für die Prüfungsvorbereitung

  • Online exam preparation for your training and further education

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Online exam preparation for your training and further education

As a company with many years of teaching experience in training and further education, Dr. Roßmann AgW online exam preparations as webinars for industrial foremen and for office management clerks.

The examination preparations in the field of further training are aimed at industrial foremen in metal, electrical engineering and chemistry. In the area of ​​training, office management clerks receive qualified exam preparation from Dr. Rossmann AgW.

dr Roßmann AgW can refer to 7 years of teaching experience in companies such as Fresenius, Provadis, Eckert schools, etc. in the subject of exam preparation. In addition, Dr. Roßmann is an honorary member of the examination board of the IHK Rheinhessen and has a trainer qualification (AdA certificate).

As a former competitive athlete and ambitious long-distance runner, Dr. Roßmann how goals are set and realized. Of course, good preparation is the basis. And at the same time, Dr. Roßmann will be happy to support you.

dr Roßmann AgW takes everyone along.
​​​​​​​We all reach our goal together!


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